Mindful Art & Writing Supply Guide - Download for Free

Calming Colors Guide: How Your Palette Impacts Your Mood

In this guide to Calming Colors, you’ll find a comprehensive resource designed to enhance your painting experience through the mindful use of colors. You'll discover the profound impact that colors can have on our emotions and overall well-being.

"This community, reconnecting to my creative side has been healing me more than you know. It has really helped me flourish at a time where I need it most."

– Lisa B.

Meet Your Guide: Katie

The "American Dream" left me sick, exhausted, and lost. As a marketing executive working 70+ hour weeks, I was a people pleaser only interested in earning praise and approval. Despite creative urges, I followed society's expectations: get a degree, make money, and acquire a big house and nice title. But instead of fulfillment, I found myself stressed, without hobbies or free time, numbing myself with food, shopping, and TV.

Everything changed when I hit rock bottom: surgery, the unexpected death of a best friend, and a diagnosis of multiple autoimmune diseases. My identity, built on career and accomplishments, crumbled.

In the midst of this crisis, my therapist recommended Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way." This sparked a 360-degree turn in my life. I left my corporate career, picked up a paintbrush, wrote again, and discovered my true passion. I developed a daily art practice, became a Mindful Art Teacher, facilitated The Artist's Way groups, and became a university professor. This journey was liberating, freeing, and deeply satisfying.

 My mission, through the Center for Mindful Art & Writing, is to share the magic of healing creativity with everyone in the world - not just artists, writers and other professional creatives. Art and writing are for everyone! 



Katie Goodling Headshot

The Center for Mindful Art & Writing

Compassionate and kind art and writing classes mindfulness, healing, and self-care.

The Center for Mindful Art & Writing helps folks going through *a lot*, like chronic illness, anxiety, depression, grief, and big life transitions, let go of the "what ifs," embrace the present moment, and find calm and creativity in a compassionate community with guided watercolor, mixed media, and writing workshops focused on mindfulness, healing, and self-care.