Mindful Art & Writing Supply Guide - Download for Free

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Art & Writing Supply Aficionado

Get a free behind-the-scenes look at our founder Katie's most-loved sketchbooks, art papers, paints, mark making mediums, and painting tools! With this guide, you'll become an art and writing supply expert in no time. You'll also learn tips and tricks about different types of paints and other mediums. Get your free copy now: 

"This community, reconnecting to my creative side has been healing me more than you know. It has really helped me flourish at a time where I need it most."

– Lisa B.

Meet Your Guide: Katie

The "American Dream" left me sick, exhausted, and lost. As a marketing executive working 70+ hour weeks, I was a people pleaser only interested in earning praise and approval. Despite creative urges, I followed society's expectations: get a degree, make money, and acquire a big house and nice title. But instead of fulfillment, I found myself stressed, without hobbies or free time, numbing myself with food, shopping, and TV.

Everything changed when I hit rock bottom: surgery, the unexpected death of a best friend, and a diagnosis of multiple autoimmune diseases. My identity, built on career and accomplishments, crumbled.

In the midst of this crisis, my therapist recommended Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way." This sparked a 360-degree turn in my life. I left my corporate career, picked up a paintbrush, wrote again, and discovered my true passion. I developed a daily art practice, became a Mindful Art Teacher, facilitated The Artist's Way groups, and became a university professor. This journey was liberating, freeing, and deeply satisfying.

 My mission, through the Center for Mindful Art & Writing, is to share the magic of healing creativity with everyone in the world - not just artists, writers and other professional creatives. Art and writing are for everyone! 



Katie Goodling Headshot

The Center for Mindful Art & Writing

Compassionate and kind art and writing classes mindfulness, healing, and self-care.

The Center for Mindful Art & Writing helps folks going through *a lot*, like chronic illness, anxiety, depression, grief, and big life transitions, let go of the "what ifs," embrace the present moment, and find calm and creativity in a compassionate community with guided watercolor, mixed media, and writing workshops focused on mindfulness, healing, and self-care.